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"The opioid epidemic has gotten out of control, especially in states like Wisconsin. Addicts just aren't being given the proper resources, and, when they are, social stigma stops them from getting treatment. As a result, they're relapsing."

Anonymous Physician

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The Opioid Epidemic

Over the last 5 years, the opioid epidmeic has become one of the biggest problems in the world today. The main reason this problem isn't going away is because of the stigma surrounding drug addiction. Especially in states like Wisconsin, patients seeking help for addiction are looked down upon not only by their family, but the community as a whole. If, over time, society's view of drug addiction can change to see it as an illness rather than a problem brougout upon by poor decisions, millions of lives could be saved.

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Above and Beyond

The Visit of a Lifetime


"Embracing a “People first” interface with our many constituencies is reflected in our reference to “clients with substance struggles,” rather than, “addicts or alcoholics.” Our behaviors should not define us and through our relationship...we try to foster a responsibility for each other in which we find an amplified and expanded level of healing."

Mission Statement

"I don't believe in the rock-bottom theory. People don't need to hit rock-bottom to feel the need to seek out treatment."

Dan Hostetler, Executive Director of Above and Beyond


At Above and Beyond, they treat the entire person. In addition to counseling, activities like yoga, rage reduction classes, and classes focused around setting future goals are a part of the treatment program.

Holistic Treatment

Above and Beyond is willing to help anybody that is willing to help themselves. They do not turn away patients in need.


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To reach the goal of destigmatizing drug addiction, the country as a whole needs to have a better understanding what addiction really is. In an effort to do this, I believe the most realistic action to take would be to build pop-up exhibits in cities around America. Doctors Without Borders has done a similar pop-up and has sucess; with the help of volunteers looking to help those in need, I hope to have similar success and make America a safer place.

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How It Works

Finding Volunteers

The first hurdle of the project will be finding volunteers. Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to work with many advocates in this space whether it be through my local hospital or non-profits I've crossed paths with. With these connections, I should be able to find volunteers whether it be during spring break and/or summer.


Each pop-up location will be filled with information about the opioid epidemic. Not only will there be statistics regarding the opioid epidmeic, but also in an in-depth look into how drug use alters the brain.


Throughout the course of second semester, I will be doing several fundraiser, with the help of my peers, in order to fund the project. Along with fundraisers, I hope to find multiple philanthropists willing to dedicate a small proprotion of their hard earned money to this great cause.

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The pop-up will consist of 4 stations. Each station will focus on a different aspect of the opioid epidemic.


Contact Me

Interested in learning more about my work or how you can help the project? Contact me through any of the methods listed below.


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